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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Survivor, Nature-style

We have been watching this lone survivor of an unfortunate mix of a lawnmower and a nest.  A neighbor found one and did her darndest to help it survive, but it didn't.  The vet said they rarely do.  The three we saw seemed too young to make it and we guessed that the mother had abandoned or been killed.  Two died within the day but this little guy just ate his way through the garden and lawn and looks pretty good now.  He should be fat and ready for winter when it comes.  Now, if he will just leave the corn and pumpkins alone...

Back in 1943, my grandmother who lived in this same town, had a nest below her bedroom window.  One day the mother just didn't return.  My parents took the 5 and we took turns feeding them some formula suggested by a veterinarian-friend of ours.  3 lasted only a day or two but two grew and thrived until late summer when they grazed on some grass that had weed-killer on it...where a neighbor's yard bordered our own.

I knew our bunnies COULD be saved, but I also knew the likelihood of survival was best if left to fend for themselves.

I think Survivor will probably find a winter home under my back porch and we will see him (or her with a brood) come spring.


MKBashlor said...

would choose bunny-happiness over corn and pumpkins.

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Gabby Faye
Michigan, United States
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